


Feature film, comedy/family film
Genre: Fiction  -  Duration: 80 min  - Language: Portuguese
Year: 2022


Julieta is a teenage clown who lives with her peculiar family: a nomadic circus group. The girl's life changes drastically when her parents decide to leave the circus and try their luck in a nearby town. Always wearing their typical clothes and using a universal language that needs no words, the family faces, with humor and joy, a series of difficulties during the adaptation to this new life.


Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual / BRDE

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Feature film, action/sci-fi
Genre: Fiction  -  Time: 120 min  - Language: Portuguese
Year: 2020

After his girlfriend’s murder, Daniel, a physics student becomes obssessed with the idea of going back in time to stop the tragedy. He gets consumed by his own obssession and isolates himself until he accidentally finds the solution for time travel.

Audiovisual Sector Fund/ ANCINE
Globo Filmes
Canal Brasil
Elo Company
Mato Grosso's State Department of Culture

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Clay Men

Clay Men

Feature film, drama LGBTQIA+
Co-production Brazil and Argentina

Genre: Fiction   Time: 72min   Language: Portuguese, Spanish
Year: 2024

Passaro Tamai and Marciano Miranda, two young men in their early twenties, suffering in a deserted amusement park shortly after they have both confronted each other in a knife duel, resolving a feud they have faced since childhood and which was inherited from their parents.

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Feature film, drama (co-production Brazil and Argentina)
Genre: Drama Original Language: Spanish Duration: 90 minutes
Year: 2017

DOLORES tells the story of a Scottish woman returning to Argentina after her sister’s death to take care of her eight-year-old nephew, but also attracted by the platonic love of her brother-in-law Jack.

Audiovisual Sector Fund - ANCINE (BRA)
Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales - INCAA(ARG)

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The Passenger

The Passenger

Feature film, fiction
Status: raising funds


Before going to work, Rogerio finds an empty pregnancy test pack. Hurry, he says goodbye to his wife and leaves. At the end of the day, he picks up a crowded Kombi to return home and a stray bullet hits his chest fatally. After the tragedy, the Kombi is put up for sale, but nobody wants to buy it until Marcos, who becomes the new owner and puts it back on the streets. 
Supernatural things happen: Marcos sees a figure, a voice alerts him about a car crash on the Rio-Niterói Bridge, he miraculously escapes from an accident and feels a strange presence all the way back home, until he is surprised by the spirit of Rogerio, who communicates with him. Rogério's spirit has no memories of his life, how he died and doesn’t even know his name until the day he sees his wife and daughter in the market. Marcos promotes a heartfelt reunion between them, which will unite all of them forever.

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Antarctica, Chronicles from the end of the world

Antarctica, Chronicles from the end of the world

Documentary feature film (70 minutes)

The adventures and challenges faced by an Antarctic explorer accompanying groups of scientists in their research on the frozen continent, in an intimate record, in which the character himself tapes his daily life, his walks on glaciers, and the unique routine of the Antarctic bases.

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Fremd, the FOREIGNER

Fremd, the FOREIGNER

Short movie, doc
Genre: Documentary   Time: 29min   Language: Portuguese, English, German, Spanish
Year: 2022
A passport from the Kingdom of Prussia was found amongst a father's belongings which sparks the search for why the German great-grandfather was forced to migrate to the tropics back in 1873.
The complex and challenging civilization process for the whitening policy that was implemented in Brazil, by the then Portuguese Court, as well as the beginning of migratory movements and its effects they have in todays’ times are themes that are dealt with in this story.

Secretaria de Estado de Cultura e Economia Criativa / Governo do RJ - Edital de Retomada Cultural da Lei Aldir Blanc
Instituto de Educação de Ivoti / IEI
UMG - UHH MY GOD! - Snacks Naturais Premium 
Accorde Company
Arrebol Produções 
Jayme Stein
Wolfgang Stein

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Portrait of Brazil by colonial painters

Portrait of Brazil by colonial painters

Organização: Angelisa Stein e Marina Ferraz
Autores convidados: Cristiane Nascimento, Jurema Agostinho, Leonam Monteiro, Marcelo Rocha da Silveira, Marina Ferraz, Rafael Fernandes Mendes Junior, Socorro Ferraz, Tatiana Arnaud
Pesquisa: Marina Ferraz e Angelisa Stein
Artes e Assistência de Produção: Kiti Soares
Produção Executiva: Bruna Karyne
Editoração e Composição Gráfica: Denan Pettmant

Produção: Valkyria Filmes
Patrocínio: Secretaria de Estado e Economia Criativa do Rio de Janeiro / SECEC-RJ - Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro 

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